Sunday, May 1, 2011

Personal Learning Network - Final Progress Report

I love my PLN. I like building it and thinking of ways to make it stronger. I enjoy adding new tiles to my symbaloo page and finding new people to follow on twitter. I now follow 23 people on twitter. Mostly education related with a few comedians thrown in to lighten the mood in my tweetdeck. Twitter and the suggestions of who to follow have been one of the most important additions to my network that EDM has provided me. It is not only what the people I follow say but what they link to. I could spend hours following the links I find on twitter. I have also added a lot of new programs to my symbaloo PLN since my last progress report. This method of keeping track of things I've learned this semester is something I will certainly continue on with. I love following the blogs of the amazing teachers we have been introduced to this year. I'm very happy with the current state of my PLN and can't wait to watch it grow!

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